Feel Better, Move Better, Live Better
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Pelvic Floor Therapy
Physical therapy can improve or actually cure many kinds of pelvic dysfunction. We treat pelvic pain and pain related to sexual activity.
We are most often call on to treat incontinence. There are two types of incontinence described below.
Urge Incontinence (gotta go, gotta go)
Urge incontinence is leakage of urine preceded by a sudden, strong urge to urinate. This is often associated with "overactive bladder." Sometimes the urge is triggered by putting your key in your front door, washing dishes, or even just seeing a bathroom sign or bathroom door. The television adds call this "gotta go, gotta go, gotta go."
Urge incontinence can sometimes cause leakage of a large volume of urine. I've seen this cause people to fear going out socially or to dread getting home. They weren't confident they could make it to a bathroom in time.
Some people compensate by going to the bathroom much too frequently. This going to the bathroom before your body actually needs to go is called 'pre-emptive voiding,' It's not good for your bladder; not good for your sense of well being and often not even successful.
Stress Incontinence (leaks, especially during activity)
Stress incontinence occurs when the pressure in your abdominal cavity is greater than the strength of your pelvic floor muscles. Typical events that cause stress incontinence
Lifting an object
moving sit to stand
Here are links to articles and organizations that can provide additional information
Pelvic Pain
The International Pelvic Pain Society
National Vulvodynia Association
Incontinence / Constipation
National Association for Continence
Healthy Women: Pelvic Health Awareness